Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Jesus Pure and Simple by Wayne Cordeiro

Maybe you feel overwhelmed with programs and ministries. Maybe you've been doing all kinds of religious activities and still do not feel fulfilled.
Cordeiro calls you back to Jesus, pure and simple. The devil would have you believe that devotion to Jesus is complicated – weekly Bible activities, following rules. “Don't let the devil lead you astray from what is pure and simple about walking with Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 11:3).”

I had such high hopes for this book. It started out so promising. And then Cordeiro began to write about all of the activities we need to be doing. He emphasizes we need to be doing what God has asked us to do. We will be held accountable for it.
Cordeiro writes about the actions we should be doing (beginning with chapter 5). We should be tithing. We should be giving gifts anonymously. “Do you want to get closer to Jesus? Then follow in the footsteps of hidden service.” (66) He writes that we should be praying and fasting.
And then he writes about Mary and Martha: “Getting back to Jesus is recognizing that you are, right now, in the presence of Christ.” But then he says we should be in the Word, should regularly take time for solitude, we should be immersed in gratefulness, should be taking time for reflection. We should be leading others to Christ. We should be keeping our hearts clean. We should be content and thankful. We should be effective.

So, it seems like there are lots of activities Cordeiro suggests for getting back to Jesus, pure and simple. It is not so simple after all!

Cordeiro gives many of his own personal stores as examples of what God is doing. Did I really need to know that when he turned over that royalty check to ministry God rewarded him by selling his house for twice what he paid for it? Do I really need to know Cordeiro has a beautiful house on a ranch in Oregon as well as a condo in Hawaii?

If you are looking for a pure and simple way of getting back to Jesus, I suggest you look elsewhere. If you are looking for a refresher on the various disciplines that will help you grow in your spiritual walk, this is the book for you.

Wayne Cordeiro is senior pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Oahu, Hawaii. He has been a pastor for ten years in Oregon and twenty-eight years in Hawaii. He is also chancellor at his alma mater, Eugene Bible College, now known as New Hope Christian College. He has contributed to may leadership magazines and has authored twelve books. Wayne and his wife reside in Oregon and Hawaii.

Bethany House Publishers, 202 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from Bethany House for the purpose of this review.

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