Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Breath of Dawn by Kristen Heitzmann

Quinn Reilly has kept herself out of the public eye for the last four years. Ever since she saw to it that the man who swindled the members of her father's church went to prison. Then she receives the dreaded phone call. He's been released from prison and he is out for revenge. Will he be able to find her in her Rocky Mountain cabin?
Morgan Spencer lost his wife in a tragic automobile accident a couple of years ago. There was no way he could take care of their daughter, just a few month old. Olivia is taken in by Morgan's brother, Rick, and family, a rancher in the Rocky Mountains. Morgan, a wealthy corporate turnaround specialist, has never dealt with the grief over his wife's death.
Quinn gets to know Rick and his family. She falls for little Livie and is intrigued by Morgan. When it becomes all too evident that Quinn's life is in danger, Morgan tries to do what he is best at – fixing the situation. But his solution is about to change all their lives.

While this is certainly a stand alone novel, the characters from The Still of the Night (Morgan) and A Rush of Wings (Noelle) reappear here.

This is a complex romance/suspense novel. It is longer than it needed to be, I think. At times the action is slow. You know the ex-con is going to catch up with Quinn sooner or later, and it is later, much later. The romance between Quinn and Morgan drags. Granted, they both have much to work out, but it seems like they go over the same issues again and again.
And the whole thing with the asylum. I don't think it really added to the plot. That might explain why this book was about a hundred pages longer than the usual Christian romance novel.

Kristen Heitzmann is the bestselling author of over a dozen novels. Secrets won the Christy Award. She and her family live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Find out more about Kristen at

I'm taking part in a blog tour of this book. Go here to see other reviews in this tour.

Please visit your local Christian bookstore to purchase this book.

Bethany House Publishers, 448 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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