Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Conviction to Lead by Albert Mohler

Nearly twenty years ago, Mohler was selected to become the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was brought in to radically change the direction of the seminary.
Mohler knows leadership. His goal in this book is to change the way we think about leadership, the way it is understood and practiced. He offers 25 principles for leadership that matters.

Some of the principles are expected. The leader is a decision maker, knows how to organize his time, knows how to shape the world views of others.

Some of the principles might be a surprise to the corporate world (though not to Christians). Mohler highlights virtue and morality (through honesty and being humble). Leaders must have their lives align with their convictions. “Character is indispensable to credibility and credibility is essential to leadership.” (80) Time is to be viewed in relation to God's eternal purposes and plan. Leaders must have patience and endurance. They must be aware of their own mortality.

He advocates convictional intelligence: “The Christian leader must have mental reflexes that correspond to biblical truths.” (34) His beliefs should be passionate, attracting passionate followers. He sees leadership as an intellectual activity. “Careful attention to thinking is what sets the leader apart.” (59)

Mohler offers some very practical advice, such as on decision making and what to do when a reporter calls. The content is current, including a section on understanding the digital world in relation to leadership.

Every leader leaves a legacy. What will your legacy be? Reading Mohler's book will help you leave the legacy you want, finishing to the glory of Christ.

Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. serves as the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served several offices of leadership in the SBC and is the author of several books. Dr. Mohler and his wife live in Louisville, Kentucky. They have two children.

You can follow Dr. Mohler's blog, listen to his podcasts, and find out more about his books at

Bethany House Publishers, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of this review.

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