Saturday, December 15, 2012

101 Moments of Prayer by Elizabeth Sherrill

This slim volume is a collection of devotions. A few are from the Bible and are excellent.
For example, there is a meditation entitled Obstacles Strengthen Faith. The lesson is about Moses. “Whatever our 'slavery' is, we walk with Moses the uncharted road away from the chains of the past.” There are several points made as to the reason we experience false starts and dead ends.
To Enlarge Our Vision. Moses had a dream but it was too small. God had to bring him to the wilderness to learn that God's plan for Moses was much larger.
To Give Us Specific Training. God knew Moses would need the skills of a desert sheepherder. Those years in the desert were ones of preparation for what lay ahead.
To Reveal Himself. God revealed Himself and gave Moses his true work.
To Temper Our Faith. Moses led the people, but not in a straight line to their destination. A faith that encounters no obstacles crumbles with the first opposition.
To Give Us Another Chance. Even at the door of the Promised Land, the people panicked and ended up with forty more years of training. “The qualities nurtured and strengthened on desert marches will prove us fit for life in His kingdom.”
The meditation ends with the following prayer:
Lord, let me learn the lessons of the wilderness through which You are leading me this that I will be prepared to meet the future!

There are others from the Bible. Elisha suggests our own need for a spiritual companion who travels the road ahead of us. Jonah reminds us that God brings back those who stray.
Many of the devotions are not from the Bible. The gift of a prism causes awe. Lessons from interviews with noted people. Sherrill draws from many of her own experiences, such as how they came to write for Guideposts, and scenes and experiences from their travels. Many of the devotions are from stories of other people's lives.

I am not sure I understand the organization of the meditations. The first ones gave me the impression the readings would roughly go through the books of the Bible. But then began devotions from life. Some are quite moving while others are rather routine. Then, about half way through are Advent devotions. Then Easter week devotions from the gospels follow, and, after a few others, including another Christmas one, Pentecost meditations. Then there is a devotion for Lent. After several routine devotions, one for St. Patrick's Day. Then one about a January afternoon.

I think the strength of this book would be for one who is asked to give a devotion to a group and needs a resource. One of these meditations could be chosen to read. Too bad there is not some kind of index included.
Otherwise, I am not so enthusiastic about this book. A few of the devotions are inspiring but I found most to be “nice” stories.
For me, the book did not live up to its title of inspiring me to listen to God.

Link to buy the book:

Elizabeth Sherrill has published some 1,500 articles and authored more than thirty-four books – many written with her husband John. For more than fifty years, Elizabeth has been a writer and editor for Guideposts magazine and a contributor to Daily Guideposts. The Sherrills have three children, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. They are occasionally home in a small town in Massachusetts.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from The LitFuse Publicity Group for the purpose of this review.

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