Thursday, December 13, 2012

18-Wheeler Jihad by Ken Bontrager

This novel was a pleasant surprise as it is essentially a self-published book. The writing is pretty good and the plot believable. Bontrager has created an immediate future where Muslim terrorists use 18-wheelers to transport nuclear bombs to major cities in the United States. The major characters are the trucking company owner and his wife, an agent for the Department of Homeland Security. There is plenty of action and suspense in this novel, right to the very end. And there is enough left unfinished that there could easily be a sequel.

On the positive side, the gospel is presented a couple of times in this book. So no one can read this book and not come across the plan of salvation!
Bortrager has done lots of research on Islam and the reader will learn much about terrorists and why they do what they do.
But there were a few issues I felt are on the unrealistic side. In this book three Muslims are converted to Christianity, supernaturally and quickly, when it happens. One involves a vision of Jesus. Another, by picking up a Bible and reading it. I do know that this kind of thing is happening in the Muslims world. However, to have it happen to three Muslims in this short book is a bit much.
Also, Patricia, the HSA Agent does a dumb thing in calling one of the truck drivers, letting him know the authorities are on to their terrorist plot. I just don't think a trained agent would be that stupid.
And, it seems the author has an agenda when it comes to the current President of the U. S. It was very evident and seemed a bit over the edge to me.
Also, I think the book would have benefited from editing. However, being a self published book, I think Bontrager has done a pretty good job.

Ken Bontrager has been a successful businessman in farming, manufacturing and trucking. In 2005, he became the founding pastor of Solid Rock Chapel in Sullivan, Illinois, where he still serves as senior pastor. His passion is studying and teaching Bible prophecy and how it relates to current events. He is married and the father of three grown daughters.

Outskirts Press, 212 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for the purpose of this review.

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