Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dirty God by Johnnie Moore

Johnnie writes, “I believe we are on the cusp of a revolution that will change the world and this revolution will be a grace revolution.” That's why he wrote this book.

The first part of this book is about God's grace. From the story of Elijah, Johhnie shows God cares about his people and wants to know them. Jesus touching lepers shows that God does not keep his distance from a messy world.
It was grace that brought Jesus to earth. It was grace that Jesus lived among the lowly, recruiting working class people to change history.
The second part of the book is about giving grace. Christians have the responsibility and privilege to share this grace. We are to live as people of grace. Grace is not to be cheapened. He shows how desperately the world needs grace.

Johnnie asks, What if Christians began to live a lifestyle of grace as wildly as Jesus did? Giving grace will cost you, he says, but the stakes are high.

Johnnie has high hopes for a grace movement among Christians. I hope this book will inspire readers to live grace as wildly as Jesus did.
Johnnie includes a combination of Bible illustrations and stories from his own adventures. His own stories detracted from the overall message of the book, I felt.

Johnnie Moore is an author, advisor, pastor, professor, and vice president of Liberty University. His missionary and humanitarian adventures have taken him to more than twenty nations. He and his wife live in Virginia. See more at,, and

Thomas Nelson, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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