Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vanished by Irene Hannon

It was a dark and stormy night and reporter Moira Harrison was out way too late, her interview having taken longer than she planned. On an unfamiliar road, she is shocked to barely see a woman on the rain soaked road ahead of her. Trying to avoid the woman, Moira ends up against a tree. Dazed, she is surprised by a man in a hooded jacket, who opens the door, comforts her, and promises to call 911.
She realizes she must have blacked out as she groggily finds it is an hour later. There is no ambulance, no hooded man, and no body of the struck woman anywhere. She has vanished.
Moira pursues the mystery as she cannot forget the look of the terrified woman on the road. When the police discover nothing, she turns to a private investigating company. What they begin to discover is chilling.

Hannon has created another great novel of suspense. There was just enough of the mystery revealed from time to time to keep me reading. And as is the usual case with Hannon's novels, the suspense at the end kept me turning pages (well, digitally, so to speak).
The lead characters are Christians and that is well done. There is just enough romance, to keep that aspect of the novel interesting too.
The only thing I didn't like about the novel was that at the very end, Moira made some mistakes that I could see coming and could have avoided.

All in all, a very good first book in a new series.

Irene Hannon is a best-selling, award winning author of more than forty contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. She has twice won the RITA award as well as too many other awards to list. Irene holds a B.A. in psychology and an M.A. in journalism. She is a trained vocalist and has sung the leading role in a number of community theater productions and is a soloist at her church. She and her family live in Missouri. You can find out more about her at

Revell, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like an interesting book. Thanks for your thoughts and the review.

    BTW-I have 7 giveaways going on at my site if you want to pop over. Happy New Year!

    Diane :O)
