Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wonderstruck by Margaret Feinberg

Margaret is wonderstruck by her Creator. As she searched the night sky for the Northern Lights, it came to her that this was the posture we were to take in our spiritual journey. We are to live in holy expectation that God will meet us in beautiful, mysterious ways. We are to stay awake with eyes wide open.
Yet we slumber. Instead of holy awe we have unholy indifference. “What are the wonders in your own life that you fail to marvel or even sleep straight through?” Margaret asks. “How often do you pass by God's presence and handiwork unaware?”
She shares stories to show how you can join God in his miraculous work in others, making dry bones come alive, breathing restoration.
Margaret hopes that by reading this book, “you will rediscover, or possibly discover for the first time, the wonders of God stirring in your own heart.”
She suggests a companion Bible study, partnering with another, to begin sensing God's presence in places and experiences you never expected.
Margaret ends her book with suggested activities for thirty days of discovering wonder.

I think those last thirty suggestions are the strength of this book. I was not very impressed with Feinberg's story telling. I found no exceptionally well crafted sentences that captured my attention. However, the concept, being awake to the wonders of God, is compelling. The last section, with the thirty exercises to be awake to wonder of God is what makes this book worthwhile.

Margaret Feinberg is a popular bible teacher and speaker at churches and conferences. She has written books and Bible studies receiving critical acclaim and national media coverage. She currently lives with her husband and their superpup in Morrison, Colorado.

Worthy Publishing, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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