Wednesday, January 2, 2013

All Due Respect by Vicki Hinze

I have read many of Hinze's later novels, especially those released in the Christian genre. Having really liked what I'd read, I wanted to see how she did in the "secular" romance and suspense areas.
I did enjoy the book. This is definitely a character driven novel, even though there is plenty of action, especially at the end. The heroine has experienced abuse from her husband and the hero witnessed the abuse his father dealt to his mother. There is also a first grader who plays a part in this book and he is being roughed up by his father. Part of the character development is the growth of each of them through the scars left by the abuse to the ability to love again.
The suspense is decent, although not Hinze's best, I think. We are introduced to work  being done to prevent the U.S. being attacked with WMD. There are parts of the plot that did seem a little unreasonable to me, but given this is an early work from Hinze, not bad at all.
I was surprised to find that this is a re-release of the book from October of 2000. 

For those who have read Hinze in the Christian genre, there is some language and immorality in this book. It is suitable to the general public, in rather good taste, and the immorality is certainly not descriptive.

Vicki Hinze has been writing since 1987 and is the author of more than thirty novels. You can find out more about her at

Bell Bridge Books, 258 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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