Thursday, January 17, 2013

Risk is Right by John Piper

What do you live for? Piper writes that the meaning of life should be, based on Phil.1:21, “Honoring Christ, magnifying Christ, making much of Christ.” (15)
Piper says if our all-embracing passion is to make much of Christ in life and death and if the life that magnifies Him most is the life of costly love, then that is a life of risk. And there will be the possibility of loss or injury.
We can't avoid risk. Piper argues that it is woven into the very fabric of our lives. And the seriousness of risk? Piper writes, “Risk avoidance may be more sinful – more unloving – than taking the risk in faith and love, and making a wrong decision.” (23)
Piper explores the risk takers in the Old Testament as well as Paul, the great risk taker of the New Testament.
He addresses the right and wrong reasons to risk. He looks at what God promises when we risk. “The bottom-line comfort and assurance in all our risk taking for Christ is that nothing will ever separate us from the love of Christ.” (49)

Are you taking risks to magnify Christ? If not, read Piper's book. It is short but it really packs a punch.

John Piper is pastor for preaching and vision at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. He is the best-selling author of more than 30 books, including Don't Waste Your Life.

Crossway, 64 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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