Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Runner by A. Wayne Gill

Michael Knight is the youngest son of a popular preacher in Ozark Falls, Missouri. Everyone expects Michael to follow in the footsteps of his ministering father, as did his older brother. But Michael is drawn to law and, unknown to his parents and steady girlfriend, applies to law schools. When the acceptance letter arrives from New York University Law School, events are set in motion that will forever change Michael and his family.
When Michael arrives in New York, it is soon obvious he is unprepared for the kind of life that is before him. He is sucked into work and relationships that are not to his best interest nor to God's glory. Overwhelmed by the glitz of possible success, his life spirals down to places he had hoped to never see.

Gill has created a story that could be yours, or your next door neighbor's. There is the son who wants to get out of the small town and make his mark in the world in the big city. There is the daughter who is living with a man entangled in illegal business. There is the older son who is in ministry, following in the footsteps of his father.

It is a retelling of the prodigal son story set in today's high power legal arena. Gill has added other elements such as the daughter living in a relationship that brings heartache to her parents. Gill introduces us to the world of powerful legal firms, dealing with corporations involved in illegal activities.

At the end of the book, I was happy to wonder at the grace of God as He worked in every one of the members of the Knight family.
This book is not a literary masterpiece. There are no memorable eloquent sentences.
This is just a very good story of family relationships, dreams of the future, reality, and God's gracious activity that brings it all to His glory in the end.

You can find out more about the book and read the first few chapters at You can find out more about Wayne Gill and his work at
This is the first book in what Gill plans to be a seven part series.

Iron Pillar Media, 280 pages.

Wayne Gill is CEO and Managing Partner of Gill Dion & Forsyth P. A., a law firm with offices in Florida and Georgia that serves some of the top companies in the world. He earned his law degree from George Washington University. He has written one previous book, Tales My Grandma Told Me – a Business Diversity Fable. He has received several honors and service awards. He is also the co-founder of and legal adviser to Oasis Compassion Agency, a non-profit empowerment agency for the disadvantaged.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Glass Road Media for the purpose of this review.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joan: Thank you so much for reviewing my first novel. It is truly appreciated. Please let me know if you're ever interested in an interview or guest-blogger, etc. Blessings, Wayne
