Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beautiful Battlefields by Bo Stern

Goliath entered the room when Bo and her husband were at the doctor's office – with her husband's eventual diagnosis of ALS. Bo knew the battle had started. “This has been, without any close second, the most intense and excruciating battle we have ever faced.” (18) She is also certain of this truth: “Some beautiful things can only be found in the hardest times.” (18) There is treasure in the battlefield that can be found nowhere else.
Bo knew theoretically about God being for us in time of suffering. But now she was forced to identify what she truly believed about suffering. She shares what she has learned from her own suffering – from her study and from her experience. She knows God uses every struggle we face as a delivery agent for His gifts.
Part One of the book looks at the beautiful treasure in the battlefield. Part Two gives us a strategy, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to grow stronger in the fight. At the end of each chapter are a few questions or suggestions, some Worth Pondering and some Worth Doing.
She understands that not everything will work out as we had hoped. She also knows that God will work everything together to make us stronger, better, and more beautiful.
Bo writes, “When I first walked into the battlefield of ALS, I couldn't imagine joyful moments in our future, and I couldn't even fully enjoy the good memories from the past. My heart was trapped beneath the weight of grief, and I thought I would never take a full, deep breath of joy again. I was wrong.” (78)
Bo and her husband are still in the battle, so there is no neatly wrapped up end to this book. While Bo is still on the battlefield, she knows God is for her and that there is still more treasure to found. Her book will help you find treasure in your battlefield too.

Bo Stern is a teaching pastor at Westside Church in Bend, Oregon. She is a sought-after speaker and writer. She has been married to her wonderful husband, Steve, for twenty-seven years. They serve together on the international board of directors for Kings Kids Village, a home for AIDS affected orphans in Nairobi, Kenya. Bo is heavily involved in raising awareness and funding for ALS research. You can find out more about Bo at www.bostern.com.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. You can read other reviews here.

NavPress, 192 pages. Please visit your local Christian bookstore to buy this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the LitFuse Publicity Group for the purpose of this review.

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