Saturday, February 23, 2013

Devotion for Lent by Keri Wyatt Kent

Excerpt from
Deeply Loved
40 Ways in 40 Days to Experience the Heart of Jesus
By Keri Wyatt Kent
“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11 NIV

In Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster writes, “One reason we can hardly bear to remain silent is that it makes us feel so helpless. We are so accustomed to relying upon words to manage and control others. If we are silent, who will take control? God will take control, but we will never let him take control until we trust him. Silence is intimately related to trust.”

Silence makes us squirm because we want to control things; it’s hard for us to trust. When we’re willing to stay quiet, we push through that uncomfortable moment—and find Jesus waiting for us on the other side.

When we get quiet, the things we’ve held down with noise and busyness—fear, anger, doubt—can float to the surface. But the good news is, the quiet space allows us to face them, to realize that we don’t have to do so alone—he’s with us, not because he has to be, but because he wants to be. By taking some time, even in the midst of our busy day, to be quiet, we can hear the whisper of his still, small voice of love.

To read more from Deeply Loved, find the book at your favorite retailer or download the ebook for half price for a limited time only from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Christian Book Distributors!

About the Author:

Keri Wyatt Kent is the author of ten books, a freelance writer and speaker. She writes and speaking about slowing down, simplifying and listening to God. To learn more, join Keri on a 40 day Lent study of her book on Facebook or by following her on Twitter (@KeriWyattKent #DeeplyLoved).

Excerpt from Deeply Loved: 40 Ways in 40 Days to Experience the Heart of Jesus by Keri Wyatt Kent. © by Abingdon Press. Used by Permission.

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