Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Cast of Stones by Patrick Carr

For me to give a Christian fantasy novel high marks, it must have several characteristics. This novel does.

Errol Stone is a young man “in the ale barrel.” He lives to earn enough to buy his next tankard. He is an orphan and the source of jokes for the medieval village.
But when Errol is asked to deliver a message to hermit priest, the adventure of his life begins. He finds he is hunted by deadly assassins. He manages to deliver the message then flees with the priest and his fellows of support.
Errol has a gift that is essential to the preservation of the kingdom. When he is separated from his traveling companions, he knows he must find his way to the capitol. But there are supernatural powers that do all they can to stop him.

Many times in Christian fiction, the allusion to Christianity is so convoluted it is hardly recognized. That is not the case here. The allusions to Christianity are clear and well presented.
Another aspect of fantasy I require is simplicity, that is, not so many odd names, characters, and abilities that I get lost. Carr has done his job of creating a kingdom and people very well. The story was enjoyable because I could stay with Errol in his travels and not get sidetracked by so many odd creations.

And the end of this first novel in the series made me want more. I look forward to reading Carr's next novel to find out Errol's role in saving the kingdom.

Find out more about the novel and watch a book trailer at

Patrick W. Carr worked at a nuclear plant, did design work for the air force, worked for a printing company, and as an engineering consultant. For the last five years he has been teaching high school math in Nashville, Tennessee. He is a member of ACFW and MTCW. He and his wife live in Nashville with their four sons. This is his first novel. Find out more about him at

Bethany House Publishers, 432 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of the book from Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of this review.

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