Thursday, March 28, 2013

Damascus Countdown by Joel Rosenberg

David is the CIA's most valuable undercover operative. He is in Iran when Israel successfully launches a surprise attack, taking out all of Iran's nuclear sites. Iran's nuclear warheads were destroyed – except two. The Ayatollah and the Twelfth Imam have them. The CIA has no idea where the warheads are. David's assignment is to find them before it is too late.

One learns much about Muslim eschatology in this novel. Muslims believe the Twelfth Imam is their Messiah. He comes to save them, redeem them, and rule over the whole earth. Jesus would be coming too – to be the Mahdi's lieutenant.
In this novel, the Imam al-Mahdi came to establish the Caliphate, a collection of Muslim nations. He claims he will establish peace in the Middle East. He warned that if the Caliphate was attacked, the War of Annihilation would begin and Israel would be destroyed.

One also learns about Muslims who become Christians and the danger they endure.

This novel is unabashedly Christian. The gospel is presented in glaring clarity. Christian eschatology is also presented. It is discussed in a dialog and that seemed a little contrived to me.
While I may not totally agree with how Rosenberg interprets prophetic passages in the Bible, his writing is excellent and certainly presents one possible account of the near future.

There is lots of action in this novel. It can be read alone but I think it would be best if read after The Twelfth Imam and The Tehran Initiative.

Joel Rosenberg is a New York Times best-selling author with more than 2.5 million copies sold among his seven novels. A communications strategist based in Washington, D. C., he has worked with some of the world's most provocative leaders. Once a political columnist for World magazine, he now writes commentaries for National Review. He also writes a weekly update known as "Flash Traffic" for business and political leaders. You can find out more about him at

Tyndale House Publishers, 487 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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