Saturday, March 16, 2013

Landmarks by Bill Delvaux

Life is a journey but where is the map? That's where Bill says landmarks are important. “Think of them as points that chart out a journey we all need to take if we want to live well.” (4)
Bill has charted the journey with nine landmarks. The first four chart a downward decent to death. The fifth is a turning point and the final four landmarks describe the ascent to real life, the resurrection. He shares these landmarks as he experienced them on his own journey.
The first landmark on the decent to death is story. The story line of our life is disconnected from God's story. We want to be the author of our story, the director, the producer and the lead role.
Landmark two is idols – our life cluttered and choked with paraphernalia instead of the Creator of it all.
Wounds, the next landmark, have been inflicted on us and we try to hide them in the basement of our soul, even though they are meant to be owned, grieved, forgiven and healed. The landmark of sex reveals our brokenness.
Then we make the turn, searching for identity. We battle to find and live out our true identity.
We begin the ascent as we awake to the battle around us, the schemes of the devil. We may be called to a new level of discipline or self-sacrifice.
We find the bond, the connection to God Paul called “in Christ.” We begin to connect to one another.
We mate.
We engage the quest, running and finishing the race.

Those are the landmarks. Bill adds many of his own life experiences as he maps out the landmarks. He is very honest about the ups and down of his own journey.

Perhaps it is just me, but this seems to be a book specifically for men. I had a great deal of difficulty identifying with several of Bill's landmarks. For example, bonding. Women, in general, don't go on rafting trips where this type of bonding Bill experienced happens. And the quest is another one. It must be a man thing to go on a quest.

I would recommend this book to men who want to understand the journey they are on. I am sure they will find themselves within this journey Bill has described. I don't think women will find this book nearly as informative.

Bill Delavaux holds degrees from Duke University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and now leads Landmark journey Ministries as a full-time speaker, retreat leader, and small group coach helping others on the journey of life. Bill and his wife have two daughters. You can find our more about Bill and his ministry at

B&H Publishing Group, 190 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from a publicity group for the purpose of this review.

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