Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Swept Away by Mary Connealy

The time of this novel is shortly after the Civil War. Law and order had not yet come to north Texas.
Ruthy MacNeil is literally swept into this hostile environment. She had been orphaned young and taken in by the neighbors. But it appears the neighbors only wanted her land. They treated her like a servant.
The novel opens as Ruthy and her adopted family are heading west in a small wagon train. Trying to cross a swollen river, the wagons overturn. Ruthy has survived, her arm caught in a knot in wood from the wagon. It appears the others are lost.
Luke is a Civil War veteran heading back to Texas to rescue his farm from an interloper. He had been so disturbed by his war experience that shortly after returning to his father and their farm, he had left again. He needed time to heal. But then word got to Luke that a man who had run west rather than serve in the war had killed his father and taken over the farm.
As Luke comes to the river he finds a woman, barely alive. He helps the muddy redhead and takes her back to Broken Wheel, the small town near his farm.
Ruthy demands to be part of the action as Luke and a group of friends from their time in Andersonville prison work together to get Luke's farm back.

What a fun novel. Even if you are not a fan of westerns, there's lots to like in this story. Ruthy is a pistol. She won't take guff from any of the cowboys. Luke is such a nice guy. He fights his growing feelings for Ruthy and it is fun to see the two interact.
While some of the bad guys get shot, I was happy to see it was only when it was unavoidable.
I also appreciated the side story on spousal abuse. That was well done, as was the Christianity of the characters.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. You can find other reviews here.

Mary Connealy writes romantic comedy with cowboys. She is a Carol Award winner, and a Rita and Christy and Inspirational Reader's Choice finalist. She is the author of the bestselling Kincaid Brides Series. She has also written a romantic thriller and cozy mysteries under the name Mary Nealy. She is married to a Nebraska rancher and they have four grown daughters and two grandchildren. Find out more about her and her books at http://maryconnealy.com.

Bethany House Publishers, 320 pages. You can go to the publisher's product page to read an excerpt from the book.

Please visit your local Christian bookstore to buy this book.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from a publicity group for the purpose of this review.

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