Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The One Success Habit by Dr. Fred Lybrand

Fred's passion is to simply:
Help you think better, to
Help you choose better actions, to
Help you get better results.

Lots of time management and productivity fads have come and gone. Rather than a fad, Fred present a life changing habit.
He helps us understand what success is and how to develop our own definition.
He suggests action is the thing. This book “is all about action and exactly what must change for you to begin acting.” (24)
He helps us understand how to take the next step, a single action. He writes about the value of motivation and how it is generated.
He explores how to think about habits, how they are created and how they serve us.
He next tackles systems thinking – cause and effect. “The system is the solution,” Fred writes. (56) If we want a different result, create a different system. We are shown how to establish the procedure: objective, guidelines, steps.
He helps us understand the enemy – work its weakness and explore our resources. He helps us be honest with ourselves and learn the importance of yes, maybe, no.

This is a great book for people who have not done well with the traditional way of getting things done – writing a “to do” list. Fred's process requires some serious thought about how well we know ourselves and what we will accomplish. We have to know that and not be dishonest, placing tasks on our list when we know we will not do them.

Fred has also provided an excellent workbook that is available on his website when you have purchased the book. The workbook definitely helps to work through all that Fred presents.

This is not a quick fix to your productivity problem. Fred lays lots of groundwork so that when you get to the actual habit, you understand its importance.

I have been a successful list maker all my life (like his mother). There were some parts with which I could not identify. But if you are searching for a life changing way to look at how to make sure you accomplish your tasks, I would suggest you try this book.

Go to www.onesuccessfulhabit.com to find our more about the book and watch videos from Dr. Lybrand.

Dr. Fred Ray Lybrand has the diverse combination of formally studying law, communication, systems thinking, linguistics, writing, theology, marketing, structural dynamics, leadership, management, and human personality. He is the author of six books. This is his newest contribution to help individuals and organizations become more productive. Find out more about Fred at http://www.fredraylybrand.com/

Kauffman Burgess Press, 132 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from a publicity group for the purpose of this review.

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