Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Broken Wings by Shannon Dittemore

This is the second in this series (see my review of Angel Eyes here). Dittemore has not provided any back story in this book, so if you have not read the first one, you will be lost in this one. I read the first one about a year ago and had forgotten so much of that book, this one was often confusing for me.

The story of Brielle, who can see the spirit realm, and Jake, who has healing hands, continues. Taking part in the action are Shields, angels who take on human form and watch over the humans to whom they are assigned. We are introduced to Sabres, angels with metallic wings, blades instead of feathers. They were the twelve who originally reported to Lucifer himself, when he was Chief Worshiper. They are responsible for leading all of heaven in worship of the Creator. Their presence, through their worship, thins the veil between the Celestial and the Terrestrial.

There is a new influence in Stratus, a woman who has eyes on Brielle's father. And he has started drinking again. Then Brielle finds a serious irregularity with her mother's grave. As the action in the story progresses, the good and evil spiritual beings come into conflict. Birelle is right in the middle of it.

I was not as satisfied with this novel as I was the first in the series. The action in this one just does not seem to move the story along very much. There are too many loose ends at the conclusion of this book. Olivia, the woman who is after Brielle's father seems originally to be a serious aspect of the novel. But in the latter part of the book, she is no longer involved in the story. And then the part about Brielle's mother, her activities before she is “taken,” well, I just did not like that. That was not believable to me.

Shannon Dittemore has an overactive imagination and a passion for truth. Her lifelong journey to combine the two is responsible for a stint at Portland Bible College, performances with local theater companies, and a focus on youth and young adult ministry. The daughter of one preacher and the wife of another, she spends her days imagining things unseen and chasing her two children around their home in Northern California. Find out more at

I am taking part in a CSFF blog tour of this book. Here is a list of other bloggers on the tour. Be sure to check out their reviews.
Gillian Adams Julie Bihn Jennifer Bogart Beckie Burnham Pauline Creeden Janey DeMeo Theresa Dunlap Emma or Audrey Engel Victor Gentile Nikole Hahn Becky Jesse Jason Joyner Karielle @ Books à la Mode Carol Keen Emileigh Latham Shannon McDermott Meagan @ Blooming with Books Megan @ Hardcover Feedback Rebecca LuElla Miller Nathan Reimer James Somers Kathleen Smith Jojo Sutis Steve Trower Phyllis Wheeler Shane Werlinger

Thomas Nelson, 320 pages.
Please visit your local Christian bookstore to purchase this book.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. 

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