Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Making Good Habits by Joyce Meyer

We all have habits. Some are good and some are bad. Good habits can be developed and bad ones broken. Joyce wants to help us do exactly that.

Joyce invites us to change our life by changing our habits. It will take time and effort but if we commit, we will succeed.
She asks us to make a list of all the habits we want to make and the ones we want to break. She suggests we start small by choosing one then use the principles in this book to work on it. We will eventually get to them all.
Romans 12:21 and Galatians 5:16 are foundational. Controlling our thoughts is key. “Live by decision, not be emotion.” (12)
Throughout this practical book, Joyce gives examples from her own life and the lives of others.
She begins with the God habit. Without the habit of spending time with God, we will not be able to develop any other good habits. “Seeking and spending time with Him is our most vital need.” (21)
She is quick to point out that changing habits takes a strong commitment, an investment of time, and hard work. With God's help, we can do it.
Joyce includes many practical tips and, as one might expect, our words and thoughts are at her top of the list. Joyce writes, “In my opinion they are the starting point for breaking all bad habits and forming all good habits.” (38)
She includes practical advise on making decisions.
She suggests we concentrate on the good habits as that will solve many bad habits.
Her teaching on the habit of happiness is excellent.
She reminds us to take action, the habit of faith.
She encourages us to excellence and admonishes us to take full responsibility for our actions, and to have integrity. She outlines four steps to quit making excuses. She helps us quit the hurry habit, as well as emotional habits like self-pity. She shows us how we can develop the confidence in Christ habit, and habitually add value to others.
She wraps it up with the habit necessary for them all – discipline.

This is an excellent book for any Christian who would like to change some aspects of their life but does not know how to get started. Joyce's book is full of practical ideas.

Joyce reminds us that many people will pay to hire a life coach to help them live their live to their full potential. She also reminds us that we have the best life coach there is – the Holy Spirit. So get this book and get to work!

Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and popular Bible teacher. She has authored nearly 100 books with more than 30 million copies sold. She hosts a daily television and radio show and conducts about a dozen conferences a year. Joyce sponsors Hand of Hope, which provides feeding programs, medical care, homes for orphans, and programs combating human trafficking.

FaithWords, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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