Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sweet Sanctuary by Kim Vogel Sawyer

What a delightful historical romance.

The time is toward the end of World War II. Lydia Eldredge had served as a nurse at Schofield AFB. She was now back in Boston with her family, taking care of four year old Nicky, the son of her best friend who had died in childbirth. But Nicky's father wants him – to sell him to a childless family. He has become addicted to morphine and needs the money to feed his habit.

Dr. Micah Hatcher, who also served at Schofield, is now in New York City, helping the immigrants in Queens. He receives a letter from Lydia's father,
demanding Micah do the right thing and come support his son Nicky. Micah is dumbfounded. He knows Lydia from their working together five years ago at the air force base but they never, well, the boy just cannot be his son. Micah decides to visit the Eldredge family and put an end to the accusations. He has no idea what his trip will do to set in motion a future he never imagined.

That is the beginning to a heart warming historical romance. Some of the topics readers learn about include smuggling Jewish children out of Nazi territory, morphine addiction, and trusting God for your future. I really appreciated the character development. That Nicky is a great kid! Both Micah and Lydia were so willing to give of their time and energy to help others, even helping the very man who might take Nicky away.

There were certainly enough twists and turns in the plot that the story kept my interest to the very end. And what a rewarding experience to read about lives being changed by the gospel. It was refreshing and inspiring. I love it when authors are not afraid to make faith in Christ an essential part of the novel. It certainly was in this one.

This is a very good novel. Well done!

I am participating in a blog tour of this book. You can read other reviews here.

Kim Vogel Sawyer is a bestselling, award-winning author of twenty one novels with more than a millions copies of her books in print. She and her husband live in central Kansas where they run a bed and breakfast, enjoy spending time with their three daughters and nine grandchildren. You can find out more at and

Bethany House, 352 pages.
Please visit your local Christian bookstore to purchase this book.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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