Monday, April 29, 2013

The Rapid Waist Reduction Diet by Don Colbert, MD

“God's desire is for you to feel better and to live longer – and He will help you
reach that goal!” Colbert has written this book to help us get rid of toxic belly fat, a major step to that goal. He presents natural ways to shrink waist size and lose belly fat through diet, supplements, and exercise. He explains the two key culprits: inflammation and wheat (explaining carbohydrates in general).
Our waistline is out lifeline, Colbert writes. Our waist measurement is more important than our weight. He identifies the greatest obstacle to our weight loss: our thinking. He advocates visualizing ourselves at our desired weight.
He outlines the medical conditions that would preclude us from his program as well as a section on understanding the risks involved.
He covers snacks, how to eat at restaurants tips for grocery shopping, a review of supplements, and the importance of activity.

Colbert proscribes a particular ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, soluble fiber, and supplements. (This is based on a modification of the Simeons Protocol.)
Note: Colbert does recommend the use of the hormone hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin. In fact, he advises not to do the diet without it. (99) Also, the list of accepted foods is quite precise. Even though the calorie content of other foods might be the same, they may interfere with the hGC program. (In fact, he has a consent form in an appendix that is to be signed and witnessed.)

Colbert's goal is to get us committed to a healthy lifestyle that gives us he best quality of life possible. He believes the diet he advises in this book will be the last one we ever need.

There is much good material in this book on healthy eating. If you have not read a ton of dieting books, this one will have good material for you. I was disappointed that the use of a hormone is required and that the list of accepted food is quite specific. I would have rather had a diet I could tailor to my own tastes.

Don Colbert, MD, is board-certified in family practice and practices anti-aging and integrative medicine. He is the author of numerous books. He practices in central Florida. Find out more at and

Siloam (Charisma House Book Group), 232 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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