Thursday, April 18, 2013

Working Women of the Bible by Susan DiMickele

Susan is a Christian, wife, mother, and lawyer who has been working outside the home since her twelve-year-old son was born. She looks at the working women of the Bible as mentors. She has concentrated on women who worked outside the home or had positions of spiritual or political influence.

Eve made a mess of the work for which God created her. We'll learn lessons about work the hard way too, but we don't give up on God.
Rahab had the occupation no woman wants. She probably used sex to gain advantage in the business world (she owned an inn). Yet God provided a way out her her terrible situation – and she was ready.
Deborah was a woman who new responsibility but was not power hungry. She was a work-at-home mom and God found her faithful. We learn from Deborah, “Start small. Be faithful. Be willing to go big or go home.” (53)

With incredible insight, Deborah investigates the biblical accounts of thirteen women. From Jezebel we find that evil does not discriminate and that a life of evil will not have a happy ending. Huldah reminds us that God often uses unknown women for greatness. From the widow in debt we learn we must ask for help. Esther gives us advise on how to approach our temperamental boss. From the Proverbs 31 woman comes the lesson on integrating work and family – blending rather than juggling. Martha evidences the folly of thinking our performance earns favor with God. Lydia helps us find our own bold style. (Susan is convinced Lydia liked to shop.) Priscilla reminds us that men and women can work well together.

Susan wraps up her book with a chapter on Jesus modeling, valuing, and transforming work.

This book would best be used by relatively new Christians for a thirteen week study (good discussion questions are found at the end of each chapter). Susan retells each of the women's stories and that might be redundant for seasoned Christians. The study will appeal to working women at all levels of jobs or careers.

Susan DiMickele has been a mother for 12 years and a trial lawyer for nearly 18 years, serving as a partner in a large law firm. She has won numerous professional honors. She is the author of Chasing Superwoman: A Working Mom's Adventures in Life and Faith (D. C. Cook, 2010). She has authored articles in both faith-based and secular publications. Follow her blog: Susan and her husband have three children and live in the Columbus, Ohio area.

Leafwood Publishers, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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