Monday, June 17, 2013

Red Dawn Rising by Sue Duffy

There is an underground move within Russia to see that once dominating nation return to its former glory. Powerful men in Russia are making terrorist plans for the U.S. There are sleeper agents in America who are ready to cause at a moment's notice the damage they have been instructed to create. And one of them is in the White House, Russia's own mole.

Up against these Russian agents is Cass Rodino, a set designer on Broadway. She inadvertently comes across the Russian espionage when she follows her step-father's late night adventures. Cass' mother is sure her husband has a mistress but what Cass finds is his link to terrorism. At her side is Jordan Winslow, her neighbor, friend and shoe store owner.

The heroine of the first novel in this series, professional pianist Liesl Bower, is still in danger. Hovering near her is the Russian agent who had been tasked with killing her. Now he is willing to protect her because he has a greater enemy - the Architect, the man who would cause terror in America.

This is a great follow up to The Sound of Red Returning. If you have not read that book, you should before starting this one. You can see my review of that book here. While this book could possibly be read alone, much of the background of Liesl and her bravery would be missed.

There is a great interplay between the amateur spy sleuths Cass and Jordan and the professionals from the CIA and FBI. It was fun to read of the CIA reluctantly allowing the young people's involvement.

Liesl is a Christian and her trust in God is well presented in the story line. There are also themes of redemption and forgiveness as the characters interact.

Readers who like Russian espionage with twists and turns will like this book.

Sue Duffy is an award-winning writers whose work has appeared in several Christian magazines. She has also served as editor of two magazines. This is her fourth novel. She is an avid pianist and lives with her family in Columbia, South Carolina. Find out more at

Kregel Publications, 288 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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