Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Storm by Evan Angler

This is the third in the Swipe series. If you have not read the first two, you will probably be lost in this one.

The first book in the series (see my review of Swipe here) sets the stage for the adventure. It is decades in the future, there have been wars, and there is now the American Union, including the former Canada and Mexico. DOME, the government, is all about unity and people show their allegiance by getting the Mark. Logan will shortly turn thirteen and he will get his Mark on his birthday. But he is worried. His older sister disappeared when she went to get her Mark. 

In the second book (see my review of Sneak here), Logan has escaped getting the Mark and needs to get to Beacon where his sister is in prison. He manages to connect with some of his Markless friends from Swipe but one of them is a traitor. Amidst treachery and betrayal, he makes his way to Beacon. On the way he is introduced to a book with whisper thin pages. 

So now we come to Storm. Logan and his loyal friends manage to get to Beacon. They have heard tales of the terrible prison DOME maintains there. Logan must get inside and rescue his sister. But when Logan finally manages to get to his sister, it is not as he thought. She is not a prisoner and it appears she has become a loyal soldier in the DOME forces. Logan is not sure if she has been taken in by DOME or if she is feigning loyalty. Logan and most of his friends escape Beacon and head west. But his Marked friend, Erin, is getting deathly ill. It seems that a plague had been designed to take out the Markless but something has gone wrong. Soon more and more of the Marked are dying. Will Logan be able to keep Erin from death?

This series just keeps getting better and better. The future technology is great. Buildings hundreds of stories tall with layers of sidewalks. Huge screens on the sides of the buildings. Rain assured by a weather machine (until that machine is sabotaged and the country suffers from severe drought). There are small spheres that transport people. It is great future fiction.

The Christianity of a couple of characters becomes crystal clear in this book. I was a bit concerned about previous volumes in this series, but it is all coming together. The plagues, the droughts, the unified leader, the Mark...it is the book of Revelation coming alive for young readers.

And there is a nifty surprise in this book. The characters come across a book called Swipe and read it. They agree the author got it pretty much right. And Angler even makes a cameo appearance. What fun. At the end we are left in suspense, waiting for the next installment.

This is a great series for middle school and teen readers. Logan is a great hero. There is lots of action and much to talk about. I highly recommend this series.

You can watch the book trailer here.
Visit the author's website: http://www.evanangler.com/ 
Please visit your local Christian bookstore to purchase this book.

I am participating in the Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy blog tour. Go to these links to see other reviews of this book:
Julie Bihn Beckie Burnham Keanan Brand Pauline Creeden Emma or Audrey Engel Sarah Faulkner Victor Gentile Ryan Heart Jason Joyner Carol Keen Shannon McDermott Meagan @ Blooming with Books Rebecca LuElla Miller Writer Rani Chawna Schroeder Jacque Stengl Jojo Sutis Jessica Thomas Steve Trower Phyllis Wheeler Rachel Wyant

Thomas Nelson, 266 pages.

I conjunction with the CSFF blog tour, I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.

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