Sunday, July 21, 2013

The New Bible Cure for High Blood Pressure by Don Colbert, MD

God wants to stop high blood pressure from damaging your health, Colbert writes. If you have high blood pressure, Colbert has good news for you. “You don't have to face it alone. God promises to walk with you until you defeat it.” (ix)

Colbert says high blood pressure can usually be reversed through good nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices, exercise, vitamins and supplements, weight loss, and dynamic faith. (x)

He helps you understand what high blood pressure is and what causes it. He outlines a healthy diet aiming at lowering blood pressure and stopping inflammation. He explains the importance of regular exercise, describing several styles and routines. He suggests supplements and discusses medications. He reminds you of the consequences of stress and gives suggestions to combat it.

He adds Scripture to strengthen and encourage you and ends each chapter with a prayer and suggested action to take.

We are so programed to run to medications it is really refreshing to read a book describing natural ways to tackle this common ailment. It is such an encouragement to know that living life the way God designed will produce a much healthier body. A few things surprised me, like the benefits of celery and the chiropractic adjustment of a particular vertebra in lowering blood pressure.

This book is not a magic cure for high blood pressure. A change in diet, exercise, and lifestyle are probably required. But if you are willing to work at restoring your health, this book is a great place to start.

This is an updated edition of the 2001 book with the latest medical research.

Don Colbert, MD, is board-certified in family practice and practices anti-aging and integrative medicine. He has written numerous books including New York Times best-sellers. You can find out more about him at

Siloam, Charisma House Book Group, 116 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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