Monday, July 1, 2013

Up to Know Good by Sara Schaffer

This is a pretty good little devotional of 150 readings. Sara shares a short story about herself and a suggestion for action, a good act. She follows with a little lesson involving God, then a verse and a prayer. The devotionals are grouped together, five on a topic.

This little devotional will not, and should not, replace your reading the Bible but it is a very practical addition to it. Her “Do Good” suggestions are great. Write a note of encouragement to someone. Visit a museum and notice how the artwork makes you feel. Pay attention to how you feel when you are interrupted. Take someone out to lunch. Most of the actions are toward others but some are for your own welfare and enjoyment.

Just a note about timing the readings. Sara has ten devotionals on Christmas that start 75% through the book. Those are followed by devotionals for the New Year. So, if you start reading this book around the beginning of August, you should come to the Christmas section at about the right time.

Sara Schaffer has a BA in Music Education, is an inspirational speaker and writes music. You can find out more about her and sign up for daily email at

Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, 202 pages.

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