Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Yesterday's Tomorrow by Catherine West

Kristen was twelve when her journalist father was killed in Vietnam in 1954. He had been covering the war between the French and Vietnamese. Thirteen years later Kristen landed in Saigon. She was determined to finish what her father had started.

And that involved Luke, a photographer for Time. Kristen and Luke are thrown together and she begins to think Luke is more than just a photographer. She suspects he is CIA. And that is exactly the story her father had been working on.

The relationship between Kristen and Luke started out on a rocky path but they soon develop serious feelings for each other. Will Kristen betray the one she has come to love for the story she so desperately wants to see completed?

Catherine has developed a touching story set in the background of the war torn country of Vietnam. She delves into the horrible and uncertain conditions of those fighting the war and reporting on it. She also investigates those held captive for years and listed as MIA. How long does one wait for a man when it is not know if he is alive or dead?

Kristen and Luke are struggling with their faith early in the book and they make some mistakes. There are faithful Christians around them, however, and God's work is ultimately recognized. Kristen's brother Teddy expressed how soldiers lived each day. “We're living in uncertain times... We're lucky to have had yesterday, and only God knows if we're getting tomorrow. The only day that really matters is today. It's yesterday's tomorrow.” (122)

This is a fine novel that will bring back memories of those times for older readers like me. The story kept my interest and the ending is a real cliffhanger.

I would have liked to have had more description of the locations the characters found themselves in. I almost feel like this novel could have taken place in any war torn country.

Go here to watch a book trailer.
Go here to read an excerpt from the book.
I am taking part in a blog tour and you can read more reviews of this book here.

Please visit your local Christian bookstore to purchase this book.

Catherine West has a BA from the University of Toronto. Yesterday's Tomorrow was her first novel, released in 2011. It won the INSPY for Romance, a Silver Medal in the Reader's Favorite Awards, and was a finalist in the Grace Awards. She writes for the International Christian Fiction Writers' blog: http://www.internationalchristianfictionwriters.blogspot.com. She is a member fo American Christian Fiction Writers, where she is currently serving as Zone Director for the Beyond the Borders zone. She also belongs to the Faith Hope and Love Chapter of the Romance Writers of America. She and her family live on the island of Bermuda. Find out more at www.catherinewest.com.

Oak Tara, 279 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through a publicity group for the purpose of this review.

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