Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Death Be Not Proud by C. F. Dunn

This is a sequel to Mortal Fire (see my review here). If you have not read that book, you will be utterly lost in this one. This is not a stand alone novel.

In this novel, Emma has returned to heal from the vicious attack. She is troubled and her parents think she needs psychiatric help. Emma is determined to try and understand who Matthew is and where he has come from. She pursues her idea until she finally arrives at a run down cottage where an old woman has some clues for her. Emma also has the journal her grandfather so desired and that gives her clues as well. What she finds out is nearly beyond her own understanding.

I was disappointed in this novel. It does not seem to move the story along very much. Granted, we find out the most unusual characteristic about Matthew, but its significance is left for the next novel, I guess. Having read the first novel in the series, this one is not nearly as good as it is.

Emma is not the most attractive of heroines. She is just not smart or wise in her decisions and actions. And Matthew, well, I don't feel like anything really positive about Matthew came out in this novel. He has consistently lied to Emma. And with his unusual characteristics, he could really be a force for good, yet he does not appear to be one. Like Emma, he has his own demons to battle. So I am disappointed in him too.

On the positive side, this is classic British fiction. There are pages of characters thinking. There are great locations that are well described. And you do learn some history too.

The Christianity of the characters is there but it is more of a cultural aspect rather than a “born again” experience we think about in the US. Emma has had a commitment of her faith but that doesn't seem to stop her, at times, from being willing to go too far in her relationship with Matthew. He is the strong one there. There is some language, so just be aware of that.

If you like British fiction, want a little mystery, some (almost) steamy romance, and a hint of the paranormal (or something else odd going on), than this novel may be for you. But be sure you read the first in the series or you will undoubtedly be lost and unable to appreciate the story in this one.

C. F. Dunn runs a specialist dyslexia and autism school in South-East England.

Lion Fiction, distributed in the U. S. by Kregel Books, 384 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel for the purpose of this review.

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