Monday, August 19, 2013

This Means Love Bible Study with Service Projects

Like me, you’ve probably been in lots of Bible studies. You get together, have a good social time, study the Bible, and then go home with the nagging feeling that there is something more you should be doing. Group has come to your rescue.

This Means Love is a different kind of Bible study. Yes, this is a study on 1 Corinthians 13 and yes, you do look at a different aspect of loving your neighbor in each of the six sessions. But where this study differs from many others is that you actually have opportunities to put that serving love into action.

Here is how it works. Each session begin with a discussion time, “Connecting With Each Other.” Questions are provided to help women deepen their friendships. Next is a “Connecting With God” time.  This is when you study the Bible, gaining new perspectives in serving and loving others. The last part of the time is spent in evaluating how you are going to put what you’ve learned into action. “Connecting To Life” will challenge you to make a positive impact on others. A section called “Random Acts of Service” gives ideas to inspire you to serve others in creative ways.
Included in the This Means Love kit are suggested service projects. For example, there is a “Help the homeless” project where you package up hotel size or sample size toiletries. In “Serving the elderly,” meals are made (recipes included) and delivered. Another project focuses on encouraging teachers and another is a prayer time against sex trafficking. There are twelve suggested service projects in all so you can choose the ones your group would like to do.
The kit includes a CDROM with publicity flyers and posters (on which you can add your particular meeting information), bookmarks, recipe cards, and more.
You can go here to see more information on the This Means Love kit, retailing for $29.99.
Go here to see the information on the participant’s book, retailing for $9.99.

While each woman in your study should have a participant’s book, you’ll need only one kit for your study.
If you are a woman who has wanted to make a difference in your community but just did not know how, this is a great study for you. Gather your friends around for a time of fellowship, Bible study, and then service to those around you in need.
I received a complimentary This Means Love kit through a publicity group for the purpose of this review. I’m passing it on to the women’s study group at church.

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