Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wake the Dawn by Lauraine Snelling

People deal with grief in different ways. In this novel, Ben lost his pregnant wife in a one car automobile accident two years ago. He turned his back on God and sought relief in the bottle. Esther had a traumatic automobile accident when a teen that she hid from her parents. Afterwards dreams and flashbacks turned into PTSD.

As the novel opens, there is an intense storm hitting the northern border town of Pineville. Ben is a border patrol agent and in the midst of the storm his dog finds an abandoned baby. Ben takes her in to the town clinic where Esther is the PA and the only source of medical aid. The clinic is full of people hurt in the storm. Ben, with his EMT training, stays to help. They save lives but lose others. Esther saves the baby's life and Ben is committed to taking care of her. Only if Ben stays away from the bottle, Esther declares.

Such is the action packed beginning of a story of struggle against the demons of the past. Ben sees the marks of PTSD in Esther but she will not let him help her. And Ben knows he needs to get his own life straightened out before he could help anyone else anyway. His commitment to the rescued baby may be the key.

Supporting these two well developed major characters are a whole host of quirky townspeople. They are so indicative of rural America. When needed, they rally around to help their community make it through the storm.

This is a good story of two flawed people who are trying to find their way to wholeness. Their faith in God plays a prominent role in their lives, Ben because he is so mad at God and Esther because she needs Him so desperately.

I do question the action with the rescued baby. That action and how it ultimately works out just did not seem realistic to me. Other than that, a fine novel.

Lauraine Snelling is the award-winning author of over fifty books. She and her husband live in Tehachapi, California.

FaithWords, 268 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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