Monday, September 30, 2013

Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung

How in the world did we get so busy?

DeYoung was crazy busy and knew he needed to figure it out and work on change. So he wrote a book on it.

I want to understand what's going on in the world and in my heart to make me feel the way I so. And I also want to understand how to change – even just a little.” (17)

He has three dangers to avoid (ruined joy, robbed heart, sick in spirit and body), seven diagnosis questions to consider (pride, God's expectations, priorities, kids, strangled soul, rest, our expectations). He ends with one thing you must do.

DeYoung admits he doesn't have some five point plan to cure our business. But he does have a one point plan – one thing you must do – that involves devotion to the Word and prayer. “Maybe devotion to Christ really is the one thing that is necessary.” (116)

If you are feeling yourself getting more of other stuff and less of Jesus, you need to read this book. He gives us the tools to look at our own life. DeYoung has suggested we have a hearty suspicion toward technology. We need to make boundaries. We need to bring our Christian theology to bear on the digital age.

Maybe devotion to Christ really is the one thing that is necessary.” (116)

Go to for a free study guide, watch a trailer, and follow tweets on the book.

Kevin DeYoung is senior pastor at University Reformed Church, East Lansing, Michigan.

Crossway Books, 128 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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