Thursday, September 5, 2013

To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain by Matt Chandler and Jared C. Wilson

Chandler writes on the major points of Philippians for the relatively new believer, to show what Christian maturity looks like. He also gives the background situation for Paul writing to the Philippians.

Here are some interesting points in his book from chapter two of Philippians: “...[I]f the gospel is true, your life should look like its true.” (32) From chapter three: “What stirs your affections for Jesus? What robs you of your affections for Christ?” (61) “We need to surround ourselves with people who have strengths in areas of our weaknesses.” (73) “Nobody stumbles into godliness ever. … There is no autopilot mode for the Christian life.” (78) “It's our responsibility to find people we can disciple, and it's our responsibility to be discipled.” (83) “Because of Christ's work, we have been rescued from the idolatry of earthly things.” (89) From chapter four: We have to sometimes fight for joy. “...[W]orry is a choice made in distrust.” (105) “Thanksgiving and worry can't occupy the same space.” (108) Contentment is not natural – we have to learn it in a world filled with more activities and entertainment than ever before.

He rambles a bit, I felt, when he gives illustrations of a point he is making. An example is his athletic experiences when the subject is discipleship. He retells several Bible stories that, honestly, I skimmed through because I was very familiar with them.

This is a book for new Christians, or at least Christians unfamiliar with the book of Philippians. This is by no means a verse by verse exposition. Nor is the book very deep, although some of his points are. Seasoned Christians who have studied Philippians will probably find nothing new here.

There was no study guide or discussion questions in the galley I read.

Matt Chandler pastors The Village Church, a multi-campus church attended by more than 10,000 people. He lives in Dallas with his wife and three children. You can listen to his sermons at .
Jared C. Wilson is the pastor of Middletown Springs Community Church in Middletown Springs, Vermont. He is an award-winning author whose articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. He blogs daily at

David C. Cook, 224 pages. Publisher's product page.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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