Thursday, October 10, 2013

40 Days of Grace by Rich Miller

We know we are saved by grace, but how do we live by it? We may even know we are supposed to live by grace yet find it difficult to do so. Why is it so hard?

Miller has written this book to help us live in grace. We might now relate to God by thinking we can get His attention through our good works rather than grace. Miller helps us change, bringing us to relate to God through the lens of grace.

Change to a grace oriented life isn't always so easy. Miller helps us work through those issues standing in the way of living by grace. For example, he spends two weeks helping us get past guilt and shame. They drive us away from God. He helps us understand our false guilt, the difference between guilt and shame, and whether it is appropriate to feel shame. He helps us battle the devil as he works to make us disbelieve in God's forgiveness and grace.

With Miller's encouragement we also deal with other issues like fear. He helps us recognize it, its influence, then discern its root and work to overcome it. Other themes include humility, courage, being willing to submit to God's will, and much more.

For each of the forty days, Miller has added A Thought to Chew On, A Truth to Remember, A Question to Mull Over, and Talking it Over with God (a prayer). Those suggestions help us incorporate that day's truth into our life.

Do you want to be a grace person, a person who has “entered into the rest of Jesus by surrendering to His will and walking by faith in His a life of gratefully loving God and eagerly, lovingly helping others...”? (227-8) If so, this book will certainly help you on your way.

Rich Miller is President of Freedom in Christ Ministries. Prior to joining Freedom in Christ Ministries he was on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. He has authored or co authored twenty five books and discipleship manuals. He has Masters of Arts in Christian Apologetics and Christian Counseling. He leads seminars and workshops and is co-presenter of “The Grace Course.” He and his wife live in the mountains of western North Carolina.

Monarch Books (distributed in the U.S. by Kregel Books), 256 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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