Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Just One More Thing by David Gudgel with Bernice Gudgel

Dave and Bernice wanted to send their teens off with the best preparation possible. They made a list of all the really big things and worked it into a binder. Dave and his oldest son talked over one of the topics in the binder every couple of weeks. He did the same with their other teens their senior years. Each one left home better prepared for what lay ahead.

Dave and Bernice have written this book to help parents open up the conversation with their teens those last years they are home. Students could read this book on their own but it would be much better to discuss it with an adult.

Some of the topics included are making your own choices, having convictions, roommate relationships, love, finances, debt, contentment, priorities, dreams and plans, seeking God's guidance, moral issues (like drinking alcohol and gambling), sexual issues (including pornography and abstinence), and various other topics like fear and grief. They end with a section on spiritual issues, including church and making an eternal difference. There are twenty seven topics in all.

Last are some really practical tips, such as keeping your room/house clean, doing laundry, cooking, car maintenance, and living safely.

This is a great book for parents to use in initiating discussions on important topics with their teens. The format is well thought out. Dave and Bernice provide lots of stories illustrating the topics. Some are from Dave's life while others are from the Bible or people they know. They include a “Think it Through” section at the end of each chapter that asks thoughtful questions and provides Scripture for review. This section provides a very good springboard for discussion between parent and teen. And if parents feel uncomfortable entering into this process, Dave and Bernice have provided a “Note to Parents” on how to use the book.

You can find out more about the book, watch a trailer and buy the book here.
I am taking part of a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.

Dave and Bernice Gudgel met in high school and married in their early twenties. Bernice finished her degree in psychology and later Dave received
his Masters at Talbot Theological Seminary, then a Doctorate from Western Seminary in Portland. Dave has been lead pastor at Agoura Bible Fellowship, then lead at Bethany Bible Church in Phoenix. Today they live in the Bay Area where Dave is lead pastor at Bridges Community Church, Los Altos. Dave has written three previous books. You can find out more about Dave and Bernice at www.daveandbernice.com.

CreateSpace, 252 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through a publicity group for the purpose of this review.

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