Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Unspoken by Dee Henderson

I had trouble “getting into” this novel. I have read most of Henderson's novels and loved them. This one was a bit different.

I really like Henderson's other novels because of the suspense. There was none in this novel (not even at the end). I kept on expecting something to happen but the next scene would just be another conversation or slow moving scene.

I can usually identify with one or more of the characters in the novel and the general circumstances in which they find themselves. The main male character in this novel is a high end rare coins dealer who makes purchases in the millions of dollars. I had a penny collection when I was a kid but that is about all the interest I have ever had in coin collecting, let alone ones worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The main female character turns out to be worth billions of dollars (yes, billions). Again, someone I could not identify with at all. She had also been kidnapped as a teen and held for four years. She has refused to talk about it for nineteen years. So that doesn't really move the plot along.

And that brings up the plot which is, I guess, rare coins dealer meets wealthy girl who wants to sell millions of dollars worth of coins. The two develop a friendship which morphs into him helping her give away millions to charity which morphs into the situation of her needing to be married in order for her to inherit the rest of the estate, the billions of dollars.

The redeeming aspect of the novel is the sweetness of the coin dealer in gently coming alongside the wealthy woman, helping her, ever so slowly, to heal. For me, that just was not enough to carry the novel through over 400 pages.

You can find out more about the novel, watch a trailer, and join others in discussing the book at www.unspokennovel.com.

Dee Henderson is the author of eighteen novels, including the O'Malley series. She has been nominated for or won the RITA Award, Christy Award, and the ECPA Gold Medallion. She is a lifelong resident of Illinois. You can find out more at http://deehenderson.com/.

Bethany House Publishers, 448 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publishers for the purpose of this review.

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