Sunday, October 6, 2013

Waking Up in Heaven by Crystal McVae

This is not your typical “I've been to heaven” story. If you pick up this book just to find out what heaven is like, you will be disappointed.

Crystal's time in heaven is very little of the story. Crystal tells her life story at length – the abuse, the wrong choices. I got a little tired of hearing Crystal tell of yet another experience with a man that did not end well. But, in a sense, that is Crystal's story: no matter what you've done or has been done to you, God is still right there waiting to have a relationship with you.

I was a little nervous too in that Crystal talked about “God” most of the time. But, before the end of the book, Jesus and the gospel message comes through.

With Crystal's background, people ask her, “Why you? Why did God pick you to go to heaven?” Crystal has no answer. Crystal was not a Christian at the time. In fact, she had a troubled relationship with God for years after her experience. It took her a long time to come to a relationship where she trusted God and His leading.

I am very critical of stories of being in heaven. This one seems like it is an honest story. Crystal didn't want to tell all of her horrible history but God told her to tell the whole story. People having trouble believing in God or that God loves them would benefit from this book, not because of the heaven experience, but because of all Crystal went through and finding a relationship with Jesus in the end.

I listened to this book on audio and it was inspiring to hear Crystal read her own story.

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