Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Match Made in Heaven by Theresa Wolmart

Theresa's husband of twenty-seven years left her. She was devastated. That caused her to turn back to God, God who had wooed her before she had even met her husband and married him. She was reminded that only He could bring her to a place of healing and health.

What happened in Theresa's life as the years went by reads like a fairy tale. She experienced healing from God. Through prophecies, dreams and the Holy Spirit's inner leading she began to focus on an usher in her church.

Even though Theresa was fifty three at the time, she says of their courting, “I felt as if I were a young girl, all smitten and lovesick. Whoever said love was only for the young?” She was blessed and having fun. In a light hearted way, Theresa takes us through through their wedding.

She then shares the insights she has learned from her experience.

As Theresa says, she purposely wrote this book so that it is short, sweet and easy to read. It would appeal to older women who wonder if there can truly be love late in life. Theresa would answer with a resounding, “Yes, to the glory of God!” She knows that God prompted her to write this book to encourage people and praise God.

Theresa Wolmart recently retired from her twenty year career in the printing industry. She has been a Christian for 35 years and has served in many ways. She writes so that others will realize they can hear from God for themselves.

True Perspective Publishing House, 116 pages. Find out more and purchase the book here.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for the purpose of this review.

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