Thursday, November 28, 2013

God Is Able by Priscilla Shirer

You are in a tough spot and you cry out to God. You wonder if God can actually do it. Oh, you believe in the power of God – theoretically – when it's someone else's problem. But what about when it is you who needs the power of God? Do you have faith in God's ability/willingness to take care of you?

Priscilla takes us through Ephesians 3:20-21 phrase by phrase. She tells some pretty amazing stories about what God has done in her life and the lives of others. But she is quick to note that God has not always answered her prayers the way she requested. She's been disappointed, confused, unsure.

Priscilla handles well this issue of God not answering our prayers the way we want. Paraphrasing her, whether God chooses to do something is a question of His sovereignty, not His ability. Whether or not He will do it is His business. Believing that He can is our business.

God has not always changed her circumstances but He has changed her. “Sometimes His best work is not what He does for us but what He does inside us,” she writes. She has confidence that God is able. Because He is able, because He is love, we can be secure in any situation.

This is a very practical book. It is short and very powerful. Priscilla's writing style is so contagious, you'll be encouraged as I was. In fact, why don't you go read Ephesians 3:20-21 right now and start believing.

Priscilla Shirer is a Bible teacher and conference speaker and has a Master's degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. She is the popular author of several books. She and her husband founded Going Beyond Ministries, have three sons, and live in Dallas, Texas.

B&H Publishing Group, 157 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of this review.

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