Sunday, November 3, 2013

Our God Comes CD from AntiochLive

Music moves us. Good music moves us to worship.

A new release from Antioch does exactly that. Some of the songs have the edgy beat of progressive rock and we find we're soon clapping our hands.

The song, Come, generates energy as it calls us to give our all to the Lord:
   “When You walk into the room I can feel You
   So I open the door of my heart
   You can have it all You can have it all”

Other songs are wonderful for the advent season. Wonderful Counselor reminds us that “we put our hope You, Jesus.”

The title song, Our God Comes, is a song of the broken hearted, the down cast, the lonely.
   “Our God comes He will not keep silent
   He will not allow injustice over us”

I was impressed with the lyrics of the songs as they are all deeply rooted in Scripture.

The songs of passion and worship are from the Antioch Community Church in Waco, Texas. It is Antioch Live's second all-original release. The 72 minute recording was recorded live in Texas and features songwriters James Mark Gulley, Stephen Gulley, Brandon Seibert, Thomas Wilson, and Johanna Six.

Antioch is home to a worldwide church planting and worship movement, ministering to the needs of thousands internationally. Antioch Community Church currently has 30 church plants in the United States and another 40 in other parts of the world with more than 30,000 people involved with the movement. Antioch Live's “Forever Sound” CD released last year was #3 on iTunes.

All of the songs are available with CCLI. The album can be found on iTunes and you can find more information at

I received a complimentary CD of this recording from the B&B Media Group for the purpose of this review.

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