Friday, November 8, 2013

The Outrider Chronicles: The Search for Isaac by Patricia Reamy

They had existed since Old Testament times. A special group of warriors formed to help protect God's people from enemies and minions of the devil. But recently The Organization had splintered when its leader, Isaac, disappeared. A faction, now calling themselves The Tempest, thought it was time to expand their work. God and his people would no longer be the sole reason for their assignments. Those who remained faithful to God and his purposes, The Old Guard, were now being persecuted by the very people with whom they used to work.

Ariana is one of God's warriors. She finds herself the reluctant leader of The Old Guard. Relying in her deep faith and and haunted by a prophecy, she and the remaining faithful warriors must find Isaac before The Tempest ends their work forever.

There is lots of action in this novel as Ari and her friends battle evil. The style of the novel is almost magical realism. The warriors have special gifts such as being healed quickly. Ari has additional gifting such as sensing what is happening to people at a distance. The warriors have guns and devices that shoot barbed knives. The warriors also have a sort of Star Trek kind of ability to self transport.

With the concentration on the action, there is little character development. I found it odd that the warriors never had someone on watch for an attack, so they were attacked without warning several times. Sometimes the actions the warriors took to escape an attack or to rescue someone just seemed a little unrealistically easy. Also, there was too much smirking going on.

This is a novel with definite warfare between good and evil. There are demons and demon possession. There is also a clear presentation of the gospel.

I am not sure this book would be appropriate for teens, although the warriors are modern, spiked hair, T-shirts and jeans. Those who like a little fantasy with their modern spiritual warfare adventure would like this book.

Patricia Reamy graduated from Northern Illinois University with a degree in Theatre Design and Technology and has won several awards. She and her husband live in the Dallas area.

Carpenter's Son Publishing, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author through the Book Group Network for the purpose of this review.

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