Monday, November 25, 2013

Whispers of Hope by Beth Moore

Prayer. We are to pray without ceasing. Do you have a good habit of prayer? “No greater priority exists for the believer than knowing Christ through the study of His Word and the intimacy of prayer,” Beth writes. She has written this book to help us establish the habit of prayer. In reading it, we commit to seventy days of consistent prayer.

Each day features a devotional with a brief Bible reading assignment, a Scripture for the day, and a devotional. Following that is a prayer format for recording our petitions. It is a guide for journaling each day using the P.R.A.I.S.E. format. The prayer time is begun with Praise (perhaps repeating His attributes, singing a hymn or worship song), then Repentance (confessing daily). Next is Acknowledgment (lordship, submitting to His authority, acknowledging His right to rule and reign), then Intercession (pray for others). Supplication for self follows (bringing our innermost thoughts, fears, desires, weaknesses), and finally, Equipping (asking Him to equip you in every way for the day ahead). Two pages are given each day on which to journal. The six parts of the format are listed with plenty of space for writing.

Beth has provided a Group Study Plan at the back of the book. She emphasizes the advantage of meeting weekly with a group of prayer warriors. She outlines how group members can encourage each other to develop the discipline of daily prayer. She also gives suggestions for leading the group, whether it be a content-centered group, a format-centered group, or an application-centered group.

This book is a great encouragement for establishing a daily prayer habit. Beth's devotionals are practical for anchoring our prayer life in the Word. She shares her own experiences and teaches from biblical examples and passages in the devotionals.

If you have been struggling with consistent prayer, I recommend this book. The devotions are excellent and the prayer format is easy to remember and follow. I think it will change your prayer life.

Beth Moore realized at the age of eighteen that God was claiming her future for Christian ministry. After a degree from Southwest Texas State University, marriage and children, God filled Beth's path with supportive persons who helped her discover her gifts of speaking, teaching, and writing. She serves on the pastor's council at First Baptist Church, Houston, and teaches a Sunday School class. Beth believes that her calling is Bible literacy: guiding believers to love and live God's Word. She is the president and founder of Living Proof Ministries.

B&H Publishing Group, 225 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through the Icon Media Group for the purpose of this review.

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