Monday, December 2, 2013

A Wild Goose Chase Christmas by Jennifer AlLee

When her grandmother dies, Izzy finds herself in possession of a Wild Goose Chase pattern quilt. Gran left a note saying the quilt held a key to a treasure beyond price. Izzy's mother and brother think that might mean money and view the quilt as a treasure map of some kind. As if that wasn't causing enough trouble in the family, a museum curator, Max, shows up claiming the quilt had been promised to him for a special exhibition.

Izzy is frazzled beyond words. And just when she thought the situation couldn't get any worse, her mother falls and breaks her leg and will have to stay with Izzy for a couple of months. Her mother who still openly shows disappointment because Izzy could not pursue her dream of being a professional dancer. And there was that pesky museum curator who kept bothering her. That handsome man who was really so nice to her.

This novel was a delight to read. Izzy is herself on a wild goose chase as she tries to figure out the mystery of the quilt's treasure. Her grandmother speaks from beyond the grave, so to speak, as she has arranged steps for Izzy to follow. It was fun to read how Izzy and her family grew together as the real treasure is uncovered. The budding romance between Izzy and Max is a riot as tender feelings get squelched by a misunderstanding, and then reconciliation, and then another disaster. A cute Christmas story with a great ending.

You can read an excerpt here. You can find out more about the book and watch a trailer here.

Jennifer AlLee has been a professional writer for over twenty years. Her works include freelance articles and several novels. She and her family live in Las Vegas. You can find out more about her and her novels at

Abingdon Press, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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