Thursday, December 19, 2013

Colorado Promise by Charlene Whitman

This is a great historical romance. It is New York in 1875. Emma Bradshaw is setting her sights on choosing her college, perhaps Vassar, when her father informs the family that they are moving to Greeley, Colorado Territory. Emma is incensed but there is no fighting her father on this. Her future plans of being a botanical illustrator have been destroyed.

Life is anything but peaceful for Emma when the Bradshaws settle in Greeley. She is somewhat comforted by the presence of Randall Turnbull, a childhood friend who has moved to Greeley to work for his railroad baron father. She anticipates the possibility of romance.

But Emma feels trapped by her father's strict control. In a fury, she mounts her horse and heads out of Greeley and right into a storm. She is thrown from her horse and is rescued by Lucas Rawlings, a handsome veterinarian who lost his wife and baby a few years before.

Emma is torn. Randall is such a safe man to be around but something draws her to Lucas. Life for Emma gets very complicated.

Whitman has done an excellent job in crafting this novel. I loved the feisty Emma. She was willing to stand up for what was right even when her family disapproved. Lucas is a treasure. He is in such need of healing and Emma is the perfect woman to help make it happen. But there are also so many serious obstacles to their romance.

This novel was a delight to read. Whitman has done an excellent job of bringing the reader right into the action. It was fun to experience, through Emma, the transition a New York City family had to make to be able to live on the western frontier. I was amazed at the locust infestation, the sudden snow storms, and the hatred some had toward the Indians.

If you are looking for a historical romance that is entertaining and downright fun to read, this novel is for you.

Charlene Whitman is the pen name of Susanne Lakin who lived in Greeley for a time in the 1980s. You can find out more about her at

Ubiquitous Press, 418 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author for the purpose of this review.

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