Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Drawing Closer to God by Dianne Neal Matthews

For each daily devotional, Matthews has taken a question found in Scripture and reflected on it. Some are questions asked by God or Bible writers. Others are questions asked by characters in Bible stories. She explores the questions and adds practical applications.

She begins each devotional with a contemporary story illustrating the principle of the following meditation. She ends each devotion with an associated Scripture verse, and then a thoughtful question for journaling or contemplation during the day.

This is a good daily devotional. It gives you food for thought each day and I recommend it.

Dianne Neal Matthews has written a number of devotionals, magazine articles, and stories for compilation books. She speaks at women's groups and teaches at writers' conferences. She and her husband live in the Salt Lake City area. You can find out more at www.DianneNealMatthews.com.

Baker Books, 373 pages.

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