Saturday, December 28, 2013

Holiness Day by Day, Jerry Bridges, compiled by Thomas Womak

This is a great devotional. The daily readings have been collected from Bridges' books. The emphasis is on personal holiness. We are encouraged to right living but are also reminded of God's love toward us and the righteousness we already have in Christ.

Bridges is clear, we are accepted by God because of the righteousness of Christ. He reminds us that we are bankrupt in our own efforts. Nonetheless, we are to have devotion to God and a desire to please Him. We are, in fact, to practice godliness.

Bridges also shares how God brings us to the point of desiring holiness and then pursuing it.

This is a very convicting yet encouraging devotional.

Jerry Bridges is the best-selling author of several books and is on staff with The Navigator's collegiate ministry. He and his wife live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

NavPress, 336 pages.

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