Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life Change by Jordan Easley

Change is hard. How many times haven't we made New Year's resolutions ... and then not kept them? Jordan wants us to know true change is possible. That's because God is the change factor. He is the only one capable of changing our lives.

He reviews what makes change so hard for us and how we got in this state. Then he gives us hope by looking in the Gospel of Mark. We must be desperate for Jesus, just as was the leper. It was his need, his hope, and his faith that brought him to Jesus. From the paralytic we learn that it makes a difference who our friends are. From the lady with the issue of blood we see that a touch from Jesus can change everything. From Jairus (and his daughter) we learn that sometimes we need an advocate to intercede for us. Sometimes we need to wait expectantly, even when it looks hopeless.

Jordan looks at other encounters people had with Jesus as illustrations of change. He gleans many more insights from those stories, helping us understand our need for supernatural change that comes from God alone. “You don't have the ability to change yourself, but Christ has a unique and supernatural way of changing the lives of people that are desperate for Him.” (139-140)

Jordan ends his book with practical suggestions. “Life Change is hard,” he writes, “and if we're going to experience it, it requires much effort and diligence on our part.” (163) It is going to require work. He identifies what we need to do to place ourselves before the Life Changing God.

If you are desperate for change, read this book. Then go to the One who makes it possible, the Life Changer Himself.

Food for thought: “[Problems] are platforms for God to work miracles.” (107)

Jordan Easley is on staff at Long Hollow Baptist Church (Hendersonville, Tennessee) as the first Multi-site Development Pastor. Prior to that he was at Second Baptist Houston and other large Baptist churches. He is a graduate of Dallas Baptist University and attended seminary at Southwestern and Luther Rice. He and his wife have two children and live in the Nashville area.

B&H Publishing Group, 208 pages. Go to the publisher's product page to watch a trailer and download free resources.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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