Tuesday, December 24, 2013

One Year Alone With God by Ava Pennington

This is a very nice daily devotional that goes through the names and attributes of God. She starts out with the Hebrew names such as Adonai, El Roi, Yahweh Jireh, etc. She then writes about God's character traits. She has included Consuming Fire, Exalted, Holy, Immutable, Just, Merciful, and many more. She also covers the names and character traits of Jesus: Cornerstone, King, Light, Servant, The Way, and more. Lastly she writes about the Holy Spirit: Advocate, Counselor, Transformer, etc.

These are not deep theological devotions on the various names and attributes of God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. A new Christian would find good food for thought here, however. And seasoned Christian will also be pleased to be reminded of God's character as revealed through His names and attributes. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Topical and Scripture indexes have been included at the back of the book.

This book is out of print but it looks like it has been reissued with a new title, Daily Reflections on the Names of God. You can find out more about the book and the author at her website.

Ava Pennington is a contributing author to many books,including a number of Chicken Soup and A Cup pf Comfort books, and has written for several magazines. This is her first solo project. She lives in Florida.

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