Thursday, January 30, 2014

Is Sunday School Destroying Our Kids? by Samuel Williamson

Sam writes that, “...our Sunday school lessons teach us to be good little boys and girls, and if we are, then God will love us and use us.” That is just the opposite of the gospel. Rather, he argues, let's teach the wonder of the gospel. God loves us...because He loves us, even in out total unworthiness.

Sam wants us to make sure that the same message of gospel grace through which we got saved is the same message we preach today. Admit the shortcomings of the biblical heroes, he says, realizing they were sinful yet still loved and used of God.

Sam has a good understanding of the dangers in replacing the gospel with moral living. He also understands the depressive nature of being told how bad we are before God without being told how loved we are by God.

This book is really about our daily need to remember grace. Read this book and be reminded of the whole gospel.

Sam Williamson studied European intellectual history at the University of Michigan. He spent twenty five years in business, the last two decades as an executive and owner of a software company. After his work in business, he felt called to the ministry and founded Beliefs of the Heart. Sam and his wife live in Ann Arbor, Michigan and have four grown children. See his weekly articles at his blog:

Beliefs of the Heart Press, 102 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author for the purpose of this review.

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