Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Cross by Rod Parsley

Crosses are being removed in America, often a result of a twisted interpretation of “separation of church and state.” We're even hearing less of the cross from the pulpit.

We are becoming a cross-less society and Parsley is concerned. He explains why the cross is so offensive and notes that even modern “Christian” authors try to do away with it. “A cross-less generation must be pointed back to Calvary,” he writes. (11) It must first begin in the house of God.

Parsley has written this book to help recalibrate our “thinking about Christian faith and put the cross at the center where it belongs.” (16) To do that he reflects on the crucifixion, what happened on earth and in the spiritual realm. He desires that we gain a life-transforming understanding of the price paid for us.

This is a very timely and important book. I was impressed with his section explaining why the cross is such an affront to mankind. He does a good job reminding us that the cross is the heart of the gospel.

If you have been concerned lately that the cross is being ignored, you need to read this book. It is a great encouragement and reminds us of the importance and centrality of the cross. Without the cross there is no gospel message.

This would make a great book to read during Lent. It is also a great book to give to your pastor.

Rod Parsley is the author of more than fifty books. He has been an international speaker for the past thirty years and has his own daily television broadcast, Breakthrough. He is the founder of several ministries and is the pastor of World Harvest Church in Columbus Ohio, where he lives with his wife and children.

Charisma House, 170 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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